Ahh,..that first fall morning when there is a slight crispness in the air!  I just love that feeling!

It is Mother Nature telling us that the seasons and cycles of the earth are working properly, and the long, hot days of summer are giving way to the cooler days of fall and harvest.  This is when farmers will reap their harvest if they sowed in the spring.

This is also when you can choose to sow your seeds for 2016 success.

It’s a simple question of Fall Cleaning – clearing your mind and space to focus on what is important for your business and your life – Right Now.

Perhaps you are familiar with Spring Cleaning, but not so much with Fall Cleaning.  Well, if you pack away out-of-season clothes, then you may already practice a few of these steps.  In the Gulf South, we never really store anything except our heaviest coats.

Many leaders in the home business industry will tell you that it helps you focus on a new project if you clear away old projects and tidy your office before you start.  There is a ton of supporting evidence that this really works.  The old adage of, “Clear Space For A Clear Mind.”

The trick here is to learn the what, why and how of How to Clear Your Mind, so you are ready to receive Success.

How to Clear Your Mind for Success – What?

I got started on this topic recently by thinking about how a little Fall Cleaning could help me get focused on my Fourth Quarter goals.  Then, yesterday I heard a fantastic call from my friend, VaNessa Duplessie on the Elite Marketing Pro Daily Dose of Awesome call.  (Listen to the call HERE.) She talked about getting a new cell phone, and how this prompted her to take this time to clear her space – her devices, desk and life.  That’s a lot, but it can be very therapeutic when you are needing a boost  or something to get you out of a plateau or “unstuck” in your business.

Being the somewhat crazy-driven person I am, I looked a bit further for more info on the topic, and there is a ton!

How to Clear Your Mind for Success – Why?

September can be a tricky month for entrepreneurs.  You can get so focused on your plan for the following year that you neglect what needs to be done to prepare for the greatest success in what remains of the current year – the all-important Fourth Quarter!  You can find yourself almost “stuck” in what you want to do, need to do, and must do for your business, then tie that into a lengthy “to-do” list for your family, and you’re a hot mess!

So, my solution is September Bliss – Clearing Your Space Is a Big Part of How To Clear Your Mind, and Focus on your MOST Important tasks each day of September. This will set you up for success in October, November, and December, and allow you to ride a wave of MOMENTUM into January 2016!

Think for a moment if you can start signing up new reps every week because you can find your list of contacts, and you know the errands have been run, and the kids are doing their homework, this clarity is simple when you clear the clutter from your mind.  It’s not easy, though.  We are bombarded by a thousand assaults every minute of the day.  Television, radio, social media “push” notifications, text messages, the list could go on and on.  How can you be expected to focus on one worthy purpose when your mind is a scrambled mess of mass communication and social media?  Seriously!

Imagine that you can focus on those most important tasks because you have swiftly managed the menial tasks and mundane chores of the day….  Now you can sign up those reps, share your product with new customers, and walk across stage at the next event!  That’s more like it!

How to Clear Your Mind for Success – How?

This can be the tricky part or the fun part – it’s up to you.

A recent Entrepreneur Magazine article talks about 8 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Stress.  I liked this one because it covers the recurring themes of taking a walk and unplugging, plus some others like reaching out for a chat with a friend.  What you likely seek to re-focus your efforts is to de-stress from the clutter and noise in your mind.  This allows you to listen to your own thoughts much better, and they can be “heard.”

I also really liked the list from Julianne Hough, you can read it HERE.  She has a practical, but thorough, approach to cleaning out to clear out.

As a compilation of VaNessa’s advice and the articles, here are some of my suggestions:

  1. Start small.  Take one task or group of items at a time, so you can spread this over a few days, or even the entire month.  The objective is to feel the space, and your mind, clearing as you work.
  2. Tackle small items first.  Think of your electronic devices – phone and tablets, and computers. (Come on, what does your laptop desktop really look like right now?)  Clear out your email, clean up old apps you no longer use, updated software, and sort your files on your computer, archiving what is no longer current or useful to you.
  3. Move to your work space next.  It’s probably where you spend the most time every day, not counting the hours you sleep (the importance of a good mattress is for another day).  Clear and clean.  File, discard, work toward the concept of one-touch sorting for all incoming papers.  Frankly, I’m not sure if I will ever be there, but I do strive to get closer all the time.  Big tip – if you don’t already, utilize your bank’s online bill pay, and get as many monthly statements as possible delivered electronically.  Reducing the amount of inbound paper helps a lot.
  4. Expand to your home – kitchen/bath and bedroom/living area.  This doesn’t have to be a deep clean mission, but a little effort into clearing clutter, and discarding or donating those things that don’t serve a purpose in your life will help you feel more clear.  (Making you feel happy is a purpose, by the way.  I’m not a dictator.)
  5. Lastly, your body and your business.  If you are an entrepreneur, these are so closely intertwined that they truly are one.  Put good things in your body, spend a little time devoted to your mental clarity by meditating, praying or sitting quietly in “non-thought” each day.  Use this time to clear your head, rather than allowing it to fill with the barrage of thoughts and to-do’s that will come at you.  Be good to yourself.

I found this infographic on wellnesstoday.com, the original is from integrativenutrition.com.  It’s a great reminder of how just a few minutes can help you calm down, clear your mind, and re-focus on the task at hand.

How to Clear Your Mind For Success

How to Clear Your Mind for Success – Finishing the Puzzle

It does feel like that at times, right?  You may be struggling to recruit and build a team.  You’ve been putting all the pieces together of a beautiful jigsaw puzzle, and you simply cannot find that last piece in the center!  It’s the one piece that makes the rest of the puzzle completely make sense.  You know it’s not lost – it’s got to be “here” somewhere.  But you cannot put your hands on it.  That’s the clutter of the world closing in on your mind.

Now, take a few deep breaths, follow the steps above, and start setting records for your team, and maybe even your company!  Once your mind is clear and prepared to receive new ideas for success, you may very well be unstoppable!

If you do all of this, and feel that you still need a little guidance on getting your business moving in the right direction, here’s my favorite little book on the simple techniques of Attraction Marketing and How it Can Grow Your Business.  (Click Here for a popular Blog Post on Attraction Marketing.)

The Attraction Marketing Formula book is a practical handbook on how to use Attraction Marketing to build a Network Marketing team.  Check it out HERE.  Just for taking a look, you can get the 10-Day Online Recruiting Course for free.

Attraction Marketing Training


Penny Kelley is a wife, mom of two great kids and one spoiled cat, soccer fan, and wine lover who loves teaching others about building their own internet lifestyle.

Want to work directly with Penny?  Click HERE to get more info & see if we are a good fit to build together.

Connect: if you are reading this on social media, CLICK HERE to read it on my blog.

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