The process of Capturing Leads for your business with Targeted Traffic is called Lead Generation.

This is when you generate a list of people who are interested in what you have to offer them.  But, do you really know how it all works?

Capturing Leads for your business is so important that there are entire businesses built around it.  Think about it for a moment.  Say your business makes widgets.  You can have the best widgets in the world – all hand-crafted by the best widget-makers in the universe.  However, if no one knows about them, and people who need a widget to do widget-things don’t come to your business to get their widgets, then none of that matters.  They will settle for inferior mass-produced widgets from some other business because they don’t know about you and your world-class widgets.

That’s just sad for everyone concerned.

How can you make this outcome work better for you and the potential customer?  Simple – by Capturing Leads when people are looking for what you have to offer.  This means you need targeted traffic.  You want to create content that solves the problems of the very people who need what your widget does.

Think about it – you create some content with solutions available for people seeking those very solutions to the problems the have right now.  The results can be staggering.

So, let me break it down for you.  You’re selling widgets – you shoot a quick video or write a blog post with some info about what these widgets will do for people. capturing leads Now, you share this content with an audience that is looking for that exact solution – maybe it’s weight loss or ant-aging or lead generation.  You have some people click on your content to read more or watch more.  While they are there, you give them the opportunity to learn more about these solutions with another (longer) video, or a PDF or other resource that will help them achieve those desired results.

In exchange, you only ask for their email address so you can send them the information they’ve requested.

They gladly give you their email address, and you send along the info that will help them achieve their desired result.  Then, you follow-up with a few more emails and offer to help them get this result faster, or to a greater degree.  Something like, “I hope you’re enjoying the Fast 5 Weight Loss Solution.  If you would like to lose even more weight before beach season, check out our 20 Pounds in 60 Days Diet Special.  I think you’ll love it!”

Capturing leads for your business is an important part of the sales process.

A specific member of a target audience will only become a customer when they come to Know, Like and Trust you. If you or your business are not already an institution in your field, then you need to do a little work to bring them along.  This is where those few additional emails come in.  You can share stories, case studies and other information to help them see you are a real person, and that you really can help them achieve that desired result.

The part that can be a little tricky is targeting the right audience & making sure that what you are offering them is something they REALLY want – a lot of marketing pros and coaches call this an “Irresistable Offer.”  (Check out “The Irresistable Offer” on Amazon.)

Here’s a recent Periscope I did on the “right” way to use Capture Pages in your business.  While the video talks about direct sales, network marketing and affiliate marketing, the strategies and concepts work for any business.

As you can see from my video, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as some would have you believe.  As a matter of fact, Capturing Leads for your business can be simple, and you can achieve your desired results quickly with the right coaching and training.

If Capturing Leads for your business is something you want to master in 2016, then you can’t afford not to check out this video from my friend and mentor, Tim Erway:

Capturing Leads: How To Add Ready-To-Buy Leads To Your Email List In Just 7 Minutes

Penny Kelley is a Traffic Coach and Marketer, Wife, Mom to 2 great kids and 1 spoiled cat, wine lover and soccer fan.
Contact Penny HERE.

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