You want to use the power of the internet and social media to prospect for new customers or clients, but you aren’t sure if the methods you’ve been taught are legit.  So, how do you tell if you are Prospecting or Spamming?

Sadly, many direct sales and network marketing companies still teach methods that went the way of the dinosaur a decade ago (if they were ever really suitable).  See if these sound familiar…

Prospecting or Spamming…

It’s hard to tell sometimes, especially when you are new to everything – if you are new to network marketing or direct sales, and new to internet marketing and social media for business, then you may need some guidance to make this all work.  The goal is to leverage the power of the internet and social media without alienating your entire network, or – worse yet- getting banned from a social network.  It can happen.

In the video below, I covered the

3 Common Pitfalls I see most often & 3 Simple Solutions to help you avoid them.

Next time you won’t have to ask yourself if you are Prospecting or Spamming – you’ll know you’re doing it the right way.

Pitfall: Pitch on the First Contact with a new friend or connection.
Solution: Be a real person.  This does not mean you should ask a few scripted questions leading the new connection to your inevitable pitch.  Instead, see if they are even a real prospect.  Would they be an asset to your business or disinterested after a few months?  This method is one of the fastest ways to get you blocked and reported on social media.  Don’t do it.  It’s not quite as bad as sharing someone else’s content with your own links added in, but it’s low.  Not the impression you want to make on someone you are trying to build a business relationship with, is it?

Pitfall: Everyone is your prospect or ideal customer!  This product will help all of humanity – everyone should buy it and become a distributor.
Solution: Learn how to target the people most likely to be interested in your offers.  Whatever niche your business serves, social media and online marketing allow you to get very specific with targeting, so you can narrow your audience to those who are likely to want to hear what you have to say.  The truth is NOT everyone is your ideal customer or prospect.  Period.  Targeting people interested in a solution to a problem in your niche is much smarter marketing.

Pitfall: Following bad advice – “this is the way we’ve always done it.”
Solution: Be your own man or woman.  Seriously, take responsibility for growing your business, and learn the right way for you.  Sometimes you have to forge your own path. Be a leader, and followers will grow in that path.  Learn new skills then share them with others.

Here’s the Video – I would really appreciate you following me on Twitter: @pennyskelley…

If you want to learn the right way to leverage the internet and social media to grow your business, get my Free Online Recruiting Course.

You can also grab the Free Video Essentials Gear List I mention in the video.

Penny Kelley is a Professional Business Coach and Lead Generation specialist.  She is also a wife, mom to 2 great kids and 1 spoiled cat, wine lover and soccer fan.  Connect with Penny on Facebook, YouTube and on her Blog.

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What do you do in your spare time to secure your future?  Contact Penny here to build your home business or learn how to create multiple streams of income.


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